Now I’m a very mature adult (of sorts), and yet I still love french-bread pizza. Not only is a delicious dinner, but it is really fast and easy. It’s almost impossible to mess this up (as long as you watch the broiler). We often make this on Saturday nights because something about Saturday night makes me not want to cook.
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Homemade Grape Jelly
A few weeks ago, one of our friends brought us some concord grapes from his garden. At first, I was overwhelmed with the prospect of making jelly from scratch, but there is something so satisfying about making your own jelly and jam.

Halloween Candy Corn Pots
My mom made these candy corn pots for us last year using terracotta pots and I think they’re adorable. They are one of the things my kids get most excited about when it’s time to put up the Halloween decorations.

The Ups and Downs of Potty Training
I don’t know what the problem is. It seems perfectly logical to do your business in a toilet rather than you pants. Maybe I’m overestimating the level of logic a 2-year-old possesses. Here are some things we’ve tried with potty training. Some have been successful and some have bombed. And one thing I’ve realized is, every child is different.

Baking with Kids
My kids love to cook and bake with me. Even if it’s something as simple as boiling eggs, they love to be a part of it. I think it’s very important to let your kids get involved in the kitchen. They feel pride when they help prepare something and are more likely to eat it. Here are a few things I like to do to get my kids involved in cooking.

Caramel Chocolate-Chip Frosting
A few weeks ago, we made the most amazingly delicious caramel chocolate-chip frosting in our house. I now feel like I personally understand the old saying , “It was the icing on the cake.” To find a truly amazing frosting puts my entire household in a good mood.

Confessions of an Imperfect Mother
When I was pregnant with my first child I had visions of being a perfect mother and having perfect children.
Perhaps it was the hormones or lack of blood flow to my brain, but now I look back and laugh at that naive, pregnant woman. In this post, I plan to admit a few of those faults to let other mothers know, you don’t have to be perfect to be a good mom.

How to make a Brigadeiro – Chocolate Brazilian Candy
When my husband lived in Brazil, he ate a small chocolate candy called a brigadeiro. This delicious little candy is like a mix between a truffle and a tootsie roll. It’s perfectly soft and gooey and tastes amazing.

Slow Cooker Salsa Beef
Today, I have yet another slow cooker recipe. Have I mentioned how much I love my slow cooker? I like to do slow cooker recipes on Sundays, so I can spend the day at church and focusing on my family, without worrying about dinner. This Salsa beef comes together very quickly and has a ton of flavor.