A favorite family pastime in our home is lightsaber duels. But since dueling your child with a large plastic stick is generally frowned upon, we made some safer lightsabers. These are also great for a Star Wars birthday party. Plus, they’re cheap! Each saber is around $0.50.
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Easy Side Dish: Potato Pancakes
This is one of my favorite side dishes and it’s so easy to make. Plus it gets rid of leftovers. These potato pancakes are a great alternative to greasy french fries and are a nice change.

How to Make a No-Sew Tutu
Because I don’t want to spend $30 on a tutu for my daughter that will be used as an accessory, and because I can’t sew, I decided I needed to learn to make a no-sew tutu. Here is what I did.

Treat Bouquet
Last weekend my son had his first piano recital. He worked hard all year on his song, so I wanted to give him a reward similar to a bouquet. I imagined giving my son a bouquet of flowers and knew he’d say, “Mom! This is too girly!” To avoid the argument I decided to get […]

I Am Not a “Pinterest Mom”
Don’t get me wrong. I love to browse Pinterest for new ideas and fun recipes. I’ve found some great time-saving projects, fun games for my kids and delicious recipes the whole family enjoys. I also love to post my recipes on Pinterest as a way to share them with others. But there is a difference between enjoying Pinterest and letting it govern every aspect of your life as a parent.

Teaching Kids the Value of a Dollar
Growing up, school taught me how to spell words like hippopotamus; that 2×2=4; that Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun (that’s how old I am?); and that in 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. What school did not teach me is how to save money, how to set up an IRA, how to […]

80’s Throwback: Care-A-Lot Candy
The Care Bears’ Party Cookbook. Just looking at the cover brings back a lot of childhood memories. One thing I remember well is the “Care-A-Lot Candy.” We made this quite often, and as a little girl I felt extremely proud I could make it myself.

Star Wars Cupcakes
On my son’s last birthday, he requested I make Star Wars cupcakes for himself and his 24 classmates. We sat down with some paper and markers and my son designed a Star Wars Cupcake simple enough for his un-artistic mother to create.