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Beer-Free Beer Bread

This is a classic recipe for Beer Bread, but with one difference… no beer. I made this a few nights ago for dinner and my husband commented that it was the best bread I’d ever made. The great part is, the bread comes together in about 5 minutes. Ingredients: 3 cups self-rising flour (Tip: If […]

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Kid’s Apron

Because I love to cook and bake so much, it’s important for me to involve my children. Also, with the world’s pickiest eater as my son, he’s often more willing to try a food, if he helped prepare it. Here is a simple gesture, that helped my son get excited about getting in the kitchen […]

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My Favorite Baby Items

I’ve had several soon-to-be moms ask me what my favorite new-mom items are. What are the things I can’t do without? I also remember before I had my oldest child. I felt so confused when deciding what to get. Money is tight for everyone, so it’s important to research and get the items right for […]

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Cran-Cherry Oatmeal Cookies

This week in our house, we are potty training. Because of that, we can’t leave the house. Not only that, but after 2 days of solid rain, we can’t even play outside. To keep our sanity, we decided to make cookies. Cran-Cherry Oatmeal Cookies Ingredients: 1 white cake mix (yellow would work as well) 2 […]

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Coasters and Hot Pads

Here is a great, easy craft for under $10, requires little time and is very useful. Make coasters and hot pads extremely cheap that fit your style. All you need are some tiles from a hardware store and foam circles. For the coasters, I used 4.25×4.25 inch tiles. Tiles can cost as little as $0.10 […]

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Mothers’ Day Breakfast

One of the greatest Mothers’ Day traditions is breakfast in bed. Here are some ideas to make this year’s breakfast extra special. Rather than make plain pancakes, dress them up by adding pineapple juice for half the liquid in a pancake mix. Add some flaked coconut as well and top with a berry syrup. Serve waffles with […]

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A few weeks ago, I took a look at my life. As we all do, I was so absorbed in all I had to do, I wasn’t looking around me to find ways to serve my community. I decided I needed to do something, but I wasn’t sure what. Being a mom, I’m very passionate […]

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Mothers’ Day Gift

We all want to go the extra mile for our moms.  Here is a great Mothers’ Day gift you can personalize specifically for your mom. Decorate this box in your mom’s favorite color and style and fill it with her favorite treat. Start with a blank craft box.  Boxes are available at most craft stores […]

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Semi-Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

I do not like canned chicken noodle soup. But when I was sick a few months back, I wanted some homemade chicken noodle soup. Being the mom of the house, there was no one to make it for me, but me. Because I didn’t want to spend hours making soup, I came up with this […]

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Mom-Friendly iPhone and Android Apps

Because I am first and fore-most a mom, all my tools must help me better function in that role. My phone is no exception. Below are some of my favorite apps that help me out as a mom.   For Moms: Baby Tracker: What to Expect, Baby (iPhone and Android) – This free app provides […]

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