Out of all the gifts I’ve given my parents, I believe this was their favorite: a calendar of their grandchildren. Rather that find them a beautiful calendar at the mall, I made one with pictures of their grandchildren for each month. I created mine using iPhoto, but Sam’s Club, Wallgreens, Kodak and many others provide a […]
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How to Make the Perfect Pie Crust
Everyone has a favorite pie crust recipe they claim is the best. Rather than post another recipe, I thought I’d just post some tips to make any pie perfect. To make a great pie, it’s important to know more than just the ingredients. I’ve met people who say they can’t make a pie from scratch, […]

Whoopie Pies: Part 4 – Banana Whoopie Pies
Part 4 of our whoopie pie series is a delicious banana whoopie pie. I automatically give this one a great review because it’s cakey, moist and puffy. I love puffy whoopie pies. This is a great whoopie pie if you love bananas. My husband, who isn’t a big fan of bananas said it was great […]

Creative Ways to Get Kids to Clean
It’s just an average day in my house. There are toys everywhere, and it’s almost time for bed. I tell my son to put all his toys back before bed. His typical response: “NO!!! I don’t want to! AAAHHHH!!!!!” If you can relate to this story, you know how exhausting this is to hear every […]

Christmas Gift – Children’s Calendar
As you may recall, I stated earlier I plan to post Christmas ideas throughout the rest of the year to help my readers get a head start on Christmas. Today, I have a present ideal for young kids who may not be thrilled about the idea of keeping a journal: a personal calendar. Create a […]

Whoopie Pies: Part 2 – Spice Whoopie Pies
Continuing in our whoopie pie series, today I’m going to share a recipe for a spice whoopie pie. I found the base recipe on cooks.com, but made so many changes, I’ve included the recipe with all my changes. Click here for the original recipe from cooks.com. Among my changes, I halved the original recipe. This still gave me about […]

Beef Kabobs
My husband hates most vegetables. I on the other hand, love vegetables. This makes it very hard to cook dinners, especially when I’d like to make them a bit healthier with added veggies. We found a great solution to our problem: beef kabobs. I load mine full of vegetables, and his full of meat. The […]

Whoopie Pies: Part One
I love whoopie pies. They are similar in taste to a cupcake, but with more frosting. What could be better than that?! For those of you who are unfamiliar with whoopie pies, they are two cookies sandwiched together with frosting. But what makes them so good, is they are made with cakey cookies so it […]