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Valentine’s Day Peppermint Bark

I love peppermint bark at Christmas and I think it’s a shame we don’t eat it year-round. So when I heard about an idea for Valentine’s Day peppermint bark, I had to try it!

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Stuffed Eggplant Rolls

I’m always trying to find new ways to get my family to eat vegetables. This weeks mission: introduce my family to eggplant. Not only did I succeed in convincing my family that eggplant is good, but I think I have a new favorite meal!

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Sesame Street Cupcakes

My daughter loves Sesame Street, so for her birthday party, I made Elmo and Cookie Monster cupcakes. I decided, since they are fuzzy monsters, I couldn’t really go wrong.

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Healthy Joes

I love sloppy joes. I love the way they taste and how easy they are to make. In our house, we make them a little different, by giving them a healthy twist.

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Homemade Cake Bites

This week, the kids and I made cake bites. I call them cake bites and not cake pops, because we were too lazy to put them on sticks.
These are so simple and easy to personalize.

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Cherry Chocolate Bundt Cake

What’s better than a chocolate cake? A chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. What’s better than that? Adding cherry to both. Now, you have the perfect cake. Plus, this is a cake-mix recipe, so it’s fast and easy as well.

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Homemade Mac and Cheese

Because I’ve been a mom for a while (to one who is a very picky eater), I’m so tired of boxed mac and cheese, I could scream. In order to omit the screaming on my daughter’s birthday, we made homemade mac and cheese. This was a nice change.

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Ham and Potato Soup

As I’ve mentioned many times, I love my slow cooker. Here is a quick ham and potato soup that requires little effort, but tastes great.

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Christmas Candy-Cane Kiss Cookies

Last week, I posted a variation on my favorite chocolate chip recipe. Since I just can’t get enough of this recipe, I decided to do one more variation. I took the traditional Hershey’s Kiss cookie, but gave it a Christmas twist.

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Christmas Bark

Last year, I posted a recipe for peppermint bark. This year, I decided to try something new. I love bark because it’s extremely easy, fun to change up, and delicious!

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